Why publishers should 'bite the bullet' and digitise archives

Very recently, we came across Tim Redman's, Reuters' Head of Archive, views on varius reasons why publishers should proceed with digitising their archives as soon as possible.

In fact, T. Redman shared his personal experience from the exact process in Thomson Reuters [Source: journalism.co.uk], following the Agency's partnership with TN Source to make historical archive footage available online, saying that "we are bringing our archive to the centre, and this is a great opportunity to complete our end to end news service, making text, pictures and video available on the same platform."

Digital preservation of news items is a formal endeavor to ensure that information of continuing value remains accessible and usable. Archived material is of great importance to media organisations, since they can enrich news stories, providing a more complete context. Still, the whole process involves planning and resource allocation along with application of preservation methods and technologies, while combining policies, strategies and actions to ensure access to reformatted and "born-digital" content, regardless of the challenges of media failure and technological change.

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"It's very satisfying to have material that is not literally locked away in a cabinet", T. Redman stated, stressing at the same time thay "technical costs might be reduced, but the human costs still need to be invested in".[Source: journalism.co.uk]

Visit journalism.co.uk to see more on Tim Redman views on why publishers should proceed with digitising their archives.